• Follow up from Next Generations Qualifications briefing

    Thank you to everyone who attended our Next Generation Qualifications briefing on Tuesday 10 January. We appreciate it’s been a couple of weeks since the session so wanted to provide an update on next steps.

    In the briefing, we presented our plans for replacements to the current Gym Instructing and Personal Training qualifications. We also talked through the knock-on effect of updating these qualifications to other products in our portfolio.

    We acknowledge there was strong feeling around some of the ideas we presented – particularly around the addition of content to reflect current employer demand. We have always prided ourselves on listening to the passion of our training providers. We are therefore reflecting on your feedback to consider any changes that may be required (including making some content optional) before we share the updated qualifications for more detailed consideration.

    As we expect to amend our proposals, we will not be publishing the recording of the session. Instead, we are committed to:

    publish the amended qualification specification(s) as soon as we can
    providing a summary of the proposed changes, including how these have changed based on customer feedback
    organising small focus groups to consider the proposed changes to assessment and content in more detail.

    These actions will take a few more weeks to organise and we appreciate your patience whilst we work to address the feedback provided. We look forward to sharing more information in the coming weeks.