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As industry leaders, YMCA Awards are delighted to announce that, as a registered End-Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO), we are now able to offer End-Point Assessment (EPA) for the Level 3 Leisure Duty Manager Standard.

This is the first standard in our plan, with more to come over the coming months.

We take great pride in everything we do and as such our End-Point Assessment offer is based around the needs and expectations of our customers. Our offer will ensure both you and your apprentice have all the support you need; providing you with sample assessments, guidance documents, access to our bespoke EPA management system and much more.

As our end-point assessment offer grows, we are looking for experienced assessors who:

  • have up to date knowledge and experience of current working practices appropriate to the leisure duty manager role and leisure industry
  • hold a level 3 or above qualification in leisure management
  • hold an assessing qualification, appropriate to work based learning
  • have up to date CPD relating to assessment practices and leisure management.

To find out how we can support you throughout your journey or if you would like more information about our freelance independent end-point assessor roles, please contact our expert EPA team at