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Over the last three months of 2012 CYQ provided updates on its pledge of support for the Personal Learning Record (PLR), an online service dedicated to storing all Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) learner achievement. Final testing is currently taking place to ensure that CYQ are in a position to begin posting learner achievement to the PLR, and centres should be reminded of their role in ensuring that this happens successfully.

Centres play a crucial role in maintaining the PLR by obtaining unique learner numbers (ULNs) for their learners from the Learning Records Service and keeping learner details up-to-date. CYQ would therefore ask all of its centres to familiarise themselves with the required processes by following this link and reading the guidance information provided by the Learning Records Service.This guidance highlights the 3 stage process required in order to gain access to and use the Learning Records Service.

ULNs can be added to a learner’s Parnassus record either by completing the ULN field on their registration file or by manually updating their learner record in the Parnassus ‘Learners’ screen. The presence of a ULN on a learner’s record will then allow CYQ to validate these details and upload achievement to the PLR.

Centres are advised to familiarise themselves with the Learning Record Service’s Code of Practice for sharing of personal information before they begin using its services. Please follow this link to access the relevant information. In addition, for more general information about the PLR please follow this link.